Rabu, 07 November 2012
Minggu, 01 Juli 2012
If you are flying from Jakarta, you can take a six hour flight to Sorong with a stopover in Manado. Alternatively, you can join a diving tour in Bali and fly from there. You will find Sorong just like any other city where you can get almost everything, although prices are higher due to its remote location. Usually only divers come to Raja Ampat, so you will not find many other tourists around. Joining a tour is the most common practice when visiting Raja Ampat. You do not have to be a professional diver to join a tour, as tour operators sell tours ranging for both for divers and non-divers.
Flying from Jakarta/ Bali to Sorong, with connecting flights in Makassar or Manado
are offered by:
1. Merpati
2. Express Air
3. Batavia Air
4. Lion Air
5. Wings Air
6. Silk Air
7. Garuda Indonesia
8. Pelita Air
are offered by:
1. Merpati
2. Express Air
3. Batavia Air
4. Lion Air
5. Wings Air
6. Silk Air
7. Garuda Indonesia
8. Pelita Air
There are daily ferries available between Sorong and Waisai, capital of the Raja Ampat district on the island of Waigeo. Ferries leave Sorong at 13.00 hrs and the journey takes between 1.5 to 2 hours. The return ferry from Waisai to Sorong leaves around 11.0 am. There are also speedboats for rent at Sorong.
Get Around
Commonly, divers will join a tour and live in a diving resort during their stay in the Raja Ampat Islands. To access diving spots, please contact and use the professional diving organizers, who can be conveniently found in Sorong. Several tour operators also offer the option of liveboard tours:
1. Raja Ampat Liveaboard
2. Dive Raja Ampat
3. Raja Ampat
Before going to a dive spot, you'll need to obtain a permit from the local Papua police station. You will need to bring your passport and three (3) copies of the passport page with the Indonesian Visa. The diving organizers can help you with these formalities
From Sorong, there are two type of boats available; Speed Boat (40 minutes - 1 hour boat trip, carries 15 passengers and costs Rp2 million/US$208.55); Long Boat (2-3 hour boat trip and could carry 10 passengers for the cost of Rp1,2 million/ US$126). Please note that all rates are subject to change without notice
You may rent a small boat if you wish to stop and make personal discoveries along the line of the beaches. As the Raja Ampat Islands have four mountainous main islands and hundreds of small islands in their vicinity, you may want to take this opportunity to explore. In addition, the Karst area is a beautiful and original natural phenomenon, as it has various unique flora and fauna as its attractions e.g., Bird of Paradise (Cenderawasih) Botak, Red Cenderawasih, Maleo Waigeo, Kus-kus, orchids, palm etc. You can also trek around the islands to find hidden beauties, like waterfalls and ancient caves.
1. Raja Ampat Liveaboard
2. Dive Raja Ampat
3. Raja Ampat
Before going to a dive spot, you'll need to obtain a permit from the local Papua police station. You will need to bring your passport and three (3) copies of the passport page with the Indonesian Visa. The diving organizers can help you with these formalities
From Sorong, there are two type of boats available; Speed Boat (40 minutes - 1 hour boat trip, carries 15 passengers and costs Rp2 million/US$208.55); Long Boat (2-3 hour boat trip and could carry 10 passengers for the cost of Rp1,2 million/ US$126). Please note that all rates are subject to change without notice
You may rent a small boat if you wish to stop and make personal discoveries along the line of the beaches. As the Raja Ampat Islands have four mountainous main islands and hundreds of small islands in their vicinity, you may want to take this opportunity to explore. In addition, the Karst area is a beautiful and original natural phenomenon, as it has various unique flora and fauna as its attractions e.g., Bird of Paradise (Cenderawasih) Botak, Red Cenderawasih, Maleo Waigeo, Kus-kus, orchids, palm etc. You can also trek around the islands to find hidden beauties, like waterfalls and ancient caves.
Handicrafts in Arborek
Many divers say that the best souvenir ever after visit Raja Ampat are the stories of your experiences that you will take home to tell. Of course, photographs are the eye-popping pictures to brag about. But to keep your friends or family entertained, try bringing them:
- Asmat sculptures
- Traditional cloths
- Traditional music instruments
- Suling (traditional flute)
- Tambur (traditional drum)
These are usually available in giftshops in many cities in Papua. This will save you the hassle of bringing too many things from Raja Ampat. Although, you may also consider buying plaited handicrafts in Arborek if you happen to visit the village while in Raja Ampat.
Kamis, 28 Juni 2012
Kekayaan sumber daya alam
Raja Ampat merupakan tempat yang sangat berpotensi untuk dijadikan
sebagai objek wisata, terutama wisata penyelaman. Perairan Kepulauan
Raja Ampat menurut berbagai sumber, merupakan salah satu dari 10
perairan terbaik untuk diving site di seluruh dunia. Bahkan, mungkin
juga diakui sebagai nomor satu untuk kelengkapan flora dan fauna bawah
air pada saat ini.
John Veron, ahli karang berpengalaman dari Australia, misalnya, dalam
sebuah situs ia mengungkapkan, Kepulauan Raja Ampat yang terletak di
ujung paling barat Pulau Papua, sekitar 50 mil sebelah barat laut
Sorong, mempunyai kawasan karang terbaik di Indonesia. Sekitar 450 jenis karang sempat diidentifikasi selama dua pekan penelitian di daerah itu.
Tim ahli dari Conservation International, The Nature Conservancy, dan Lembaga Oseanografi Nasional (LON) Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI)
pernah melakukan penilaian cepat pada 2001 dan 2002. Hasilnya, mereka
mencatat di perairan ini terdapat lebih dari 540 jenis karang keras (75%
dari total jenis di dunia), lebih dari 1.000 jenis ikan karang, 700
jenis moluska,
dan catatan tertinggi bagi gonodactyloid stomatopod crustaceans. Ini
menjadikan 75% spesies karang dunia berada di Raja Ampat. Tak satupun
tempat dengan luas area yang sama memiliki jumlah spesies karang
sebanyak ini.
Ada beberapa kawasan terumbu karang yang
masih sangat baik kondisinya dengan persentase penutupan karang hidup
hingga 90%, yaitu di selat Dampier (selat antara P. Waigeo dan P.
Batanta), Kepulauan Kofiau, Kepualauan Misool Timur Selatan dan
Kepulauan Wayag. Tipe dari terumbu karang di Raja Ampat umumnya adalah
terumbu karang tepi dengan kontur landai hingga curam. Tetapi ditemukan
juga tipe atol dan tipe gosong atau taka. Di beberapa tempat seperti di
kampung Saondarek, ketika pasang surut terendah, bisa disaksikan
hamparan terumbu karang tanpa menyelam dan dengan adaptasinya sendiri,
karang tersebut tetap bisa hidup walaupun berada di udara terbuka dan
terkena sinar matahari langsung.
Spesies yang unik yang bisa dijumpai pada saat menyelam adalah beberapa jenis kuda laut katai, wobbegong, dan ikan pari Manta.
Juga ada ikan endemik raja ampat, yaitu Eviota raja, yaitu sejenis ikan
gobbie. Di Manta point yg terletak di Arborek selat Dampier, Anda bisa
menyelam dengan ditemani beberapa ekor Manta Ray yang jinak seperti
ketika Anda menyelam di Kepulauan Derawan, Kalimantan Timur. Jika
menyelam di Cape Kri atau Chicken Reef, Anda bisa dikelilingi oleh
ribuan ikan. Kadang kumpulan ikan tuna, giant trevallies dan snappers.
Tapi yang menegangkan jika kita dikelilingi oleh kumpulan ikan barakuda,
walaupun sebenarnya itu relatif tidak berbahaya (yang berbahaya jika
kita ketemu barakuda soliter atau sendirian). Hiu karang juga sering
terlihat, dan kalau beruntung Anda juga bisa melihat penyu sedang diam
memakan sponge atau berenang di sekitar anda. Di beberapa tempat seperti
di Salawati, Batanta dan Waigeo juga terlihat Dugong atau ikan duyung.
daerahnya yang banyak pulau dan selat sempit, maka sebagian besar
tempat penyelaman pada waktu tertentu memiliki arus yang kencang. Hal
ini memungkinkan juga untuk melakukan drift dive, menyelam sambil
mengikuti arus yang kencang dengan air yang sangat jernih sambil
menerobos kumpulan ikan
Peninggalan prasejarah dan sejarah
Di kawasan gugusan Misool ditemukan peninggalan prasejarah berupa cap
tangan yang diterakan pada dinding batu karang. Uniknya, cap-cap tangan
ini berada sangat dekat dengan permukaan laut dan tidak berada di dalam
gua. Menurut perkiraan, usia cap-cap tangan ini sekitar 50.000 tahun
dan menjadi bagian dari rangkaian petunjuk jalur penyebaran manusia dari
kawasan barat Nusantara menuju Papua dan Melanesia.
Sisa pesawat karam peninggalan Perang Dunia II bisa dijumpai di beberapa tempat penyelaman, seperti di Pulau Wai.
Sisa pesawat karam peninggalan Perang Dunia II bisa dijumpai di beberapa tempat penyelaman, seperti di Pulau Wai.
Jumat, 22 Juni 2012
Saya adalah seorang mahasiswa jurusan Desain Multimedia disalah satu universitas eh bukan sekolah tinggi desain interstudi.harus gak saya menunjukkan foto saya disini? pasti boleh dong :))
ini adalah foto saya dengan Jagoan Kesayangan saya,namanya "jerry" :)
Rabu, 13 Juni 2012
Seni dan Budaya Papua Indonesia
Budaya Papua Seni Kebudayaan Tradisional Daerah Papua Indonesia - Provinsi Papua yang terletak di ujung timur negara Indonesia memiliki banyak kebudayaan yang unik dan menarik. Yuk, kita kenal kebudayaan Papua sebagai salah satu kekayaan budaya indonesia seperti alat musik tradisionalnya, Tarian Tradisional dan kesenian lainnya yang terdapat di Papua. Baca juga tempat wisata di Papua
Alat Musik Tradisional Papua
Ada Salah satu nama alat musik tradisional yang paling terkenal yang berasal dari Papua yaitu Tifa. Alat musik Tifa merupakan alat musik tradisional yang berasal dari daerah maluku serta papua. Bentuknya alat musik Tifa mirip gendang dan cara memainkannya Tifa adalah dengan cara dipukul. Alat musik Tifa terbuat dari bahan sebatang kayu yang isinya sudah dikosongkan serta pada salah satu ujungnya ditutup dengan menggunakan kulit hewan rusa yang terlebih dulu dikeringkan. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan suara yang bagus dan indah. Alat musik ini sering di mainkan sebagai istrumen musik tradisional dan sering juga dimainkan untuk mengiringi tarian tradisional, seperti Tarian perang, Tarian tradisional asmat,dan Tarian gatsi.
Tarian Tradisional Daerah Papua
Terdapat berbagai macam tari-tarian dan mereka biasa menyebutnya dengan Yosim Pancar (YOSPAN). Di dalam tarian ini terdapat aneka bentuk gerak tarian seperti tari Gale-gale, tari Pacul Tiga, tari Seka, Tari Sajojo, tari Balada serta tari Cendrawasih. Tarian tradisional Papua ini sering di mainkan dalam berbagai kesempatan seperti untuk penyambutan tamu terhormat, penyambutan para turis asing yang datang ke Papua serta dimainkan adalah dalam upacara adat.
Pakaian Adat Tradisional Papua
Pakaian adat Papua untuk pria dan wanita hampir sama bentuknya. Pakaian adat tersebuta memakai hiasan-hiasan seperti hiasan kepala berupa burung cendrawasih, gelang, kalung, dan ikat pinggang dari manik-manik, serta rumbai-rumbai pada pergelangan kaki.
Rumah Adat Papua
Nama rumah asli Papua adalah Honai yaitu rumah khas asli Papua yang dihuni oleh Suku Dani. Bahan untuk membuat rumah Honai dari kayu dengan dan atapnya berbentuk kerucut yang terbuat dari jerami atau ilalang. Rumah tradisional Honai mempunyai pintu yang kecil dan tidak berjendela. Umumnya rumah Honai terdiri dari 2 lantai yang terdiri dari lantai pertama untuk tempat tidur sedangkan lantai kedua digunakan sebagai tempat untuk bersantai, makan, serta untuk mengerjakan kerajinan tangan.
Alat Musik Tradisional Papua
Ada Salah satu nama alat musik tradisional yang paling terkenal yang berasal dari Papua yaitu Tifa. Alat musik Tifa merupakan alat musik tradisional yang berasal dari daerah maluku serta papua. Bentuknya alat musik Tifa mirip gendang dan cara memainkannya Tifa adalah dengan cara dipukul. Alat musik Tifa terbuat dari bahan sebatang kayu yang isinya sudah dikosongkan serta pada salah satu ujungnya ditutup dengan menggunakan kulit hewan rusa yang terlebih dulu dikeringkan. Hal ini dimaksudkan untuk menghasilkan suara yang bagus dan indah. Alat musik ini sering di mainkan sebagai istrumen musik tradisional dan sering juga dimainkan untuk mengiringi tarian tradisional, seperti Tarian perang, Tarian tradisional asmat,dan Tarian gatsi.
Tarian Tradisional Daerah Papua
Terdapat berbagai macam tari-tarian dan mereka biasa menyebutnya dengan Yosim Pancar (YOSPAN). Di dalam tarian ini terdapat aneka bentuk gerak tarian seperti tari Gale-gale, tari Pacul Tiga, tari Seka, Tari Sajojo, tari Balada serta tari Cendrawasih. Tarian tradisional Papua ini sering di mainkan dalam berbagai kesempatan seperti untuk penyambutan tamu terhormat, penyambutan para turis asing yang datang ke Papua serta dimainkan adalah dalam upacara adat.
Pakaian Adat Tradisional Papua
Pakaian adat Papua untuk pria dan wanita hampir sama bentuknya. Pakaian adat tersebuta memakai hiasan-hiasan seperti hiasan kepala berupa burung cendrawasih, gelang, kalung, dan ikat pinggang dari manik-manik, serta rumbai-rumbai pada pergelangan kaki.
Rumah Adat Papua
Nama rumah asli Papua adalah Honai yaitu rumah khas asli Papua yang dihuni oleh Suku Dani. Bahan untuk membuat rumah Honai dari kayu dengan dan atapnya berbentuk kerucut yang terbuat dari jerami atau ilalang. Rumah tradisional Honai mempunyai pintu yang kecil dan tidak berjendela. Umumnya rumah Honai terdiri dari 2 lantai yang terdiri dari lantai pertama untuk tempat tidur sedangkan lantai kedua digunakan sebagai tempat untuk bersantai, makan, serta untuk mengerjakan kerajinan tangan.
Rumah Adat Papua
Honai - Rumah Adat Papua
Rumah adat Masyarakat Papua, atau yang biasa disebut dengan Honai.
Honai adalah rumah khas Papua yang dihuni oleh Suku Dani. Rumah Honai terbuat dari kayu dengan atap berbentuk kerucut yang terbuat dari jerami atau ilalang. Honai mempunyai pintu yang kecil dan tidak memiliki jendela. Sebenarnya, struktur Honai dibangun sempit atau kecil dan tidak berjendela bertujuan untuk menahan hawa dingin pegunungan Papua.Honai terdiri dari 2 lantai yaitu lantai pertama sebagai tempat tidur dan lantai kedua untuk tempat bersantai, makan, dan mengerjakan kerajinan tangan. Karena dibangun 2 lantai, Honai memiliki tinggi kurang lebih 2,5 meter. Pada bagian tengah rumah disiapkan tempat untuk membuat api unggun untuk menghangatkan diri. Rumah Honai terbagi dalam tiga tipe, yaitu untuk kaum laki-laki (disebut Honai), wanita (disebut Ebei), dan kandang babi (disebut Wamai). |
Jumat, 18 Mei 2012
Kamis, 17 Mei 2012
Selasa, 08 Mei 2012
Raja Ampat : Ultimate Underwater Expedition
The roaring eng
ines fixed to a large wooden boat are finally quiet. Nothing can be heard but the rifting little waves, lapping against the vibrant paint on the sides of the vessel that gracefully slows down. Native birds hop on the tip of a small tree in one of the deserted islands in the distance.
Raja Ampat or ‘Four Kings’, is the name given to these islands and comes from a local myth. The four major islands found here are Waigeo, Misool (which is home to ancient rock paintings), Salawati, and Batanta.
Underwater enthusiasts flock to this region because it offers the world’s best marine sights. Two days earlier, some of these travelers had been at a deafening corner of a tourist trap in Bali. Once they took their flight to the bird head of the island of Papua everything changed as they embarked on a diving tour of a lifetime. In the Raja Ampat islands, divers can explore vertical underwater walls. The thrill of drift diving is another great challenge. These are the awesome experiences you will find in Raja Ampat.
Meanwhile, on this tour several divers were well equipped and looked advanced. The territory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. This makes it the most diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. According to a report developed by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International, around 75% of the world’s species live here. When divers first arrive here their excitement is palpable. It’s common to hear people praise God as they take in the remarkable scenery. Others prefer to remain in silence taking in the overwhelming sight of so many islands with crystal clear water that softly brushes over the white sandy beaches.
“Disini bagus!”, says the friendly local guide who had been appointed by the tour operator who runs an eco-lodge in Raja Ampat, indicating that they have arrived at one of the most fantastic diving sites. On other days, this guide is just a simple fisherman. The local fishermen here are accustomed to foreigners and are friendly, especially when offered pinang (betel nuts) or some sweet candies. These are very popular and offering these sweets is considered polite and a good way to win an instant smile. The fishermen usually eat this snack during Para-para Pinang, or social chatting and exchanging funny stories while chewing Pinang. In many respects, like nature, culture, and history, these fishermen are closer to the Moluccas.
"No doubt about it, Raja Ampat is definitely the richest place for fish that I have ever been." -
-Dr G.R. Allen
"I was like a five-year-old, seeing a reef for the very first time. I was awestruck, held by the incredible power of this richest reef. We must, with all available resources, preserve the beauty of Raja Ampat. This may be the last frontier." --Michael Aw
"I love the people, I love the diving, it's super! I've never been for a second time to the same dive destination but now I'm thinking about going back for the third time! Should I say more?" --Peter van Dalen
(These testimonials are taken from www.iriandiving.com)
While the landscape may look like a dream, this is not an illusion. As you embark on your dive, the phrase ‘Attention to detail’ takes on new meaning as pigmy seahorses swim around your fingers. Manta Rays and wobbegongs will glide right by you. Tuna fish, giant trevallies, snappers, and even barracudas are there to complete your underwater ‘meeting list’. Not to mention the friendly assistant of the dugong, and a busy colleague, the turtle. Natural and untouched beauty is the main attraction here. With no unnecessary adages, the sky, the lush islands, the sea, and everything above and under it is genuinely saying ‘Welcome to Raja Ampat Islands; your personal Disneyland of diving sites’.
More facts about the Raja Ampat Conservation Area:*
This area is home to 1,511 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape;
1,320 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat;
75% of all known coral species in the world;
10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean;
In the Birds Head Seascape there 600 species of hard coral recorded;
5 species of endangered sea turtles;
57 species of Mantis Shrimp;
13 species of Marine Mammals;
And 27 species of endemic reef fish found only in that area
Raja Ampat or ‘Four Kings’, is the name given to these islands and comes from a local myth. The four major islands found here are Waigeo, Misool (which is home to ancient rock paintings), Salawati, and Batanta.
Underwater enthusiasts flock to this region because it offers the world’s best marine sights. Two days earlier, some of these travelers had been at a deafening corner of a tourist trap in Bali. Once they took their flight to the bird head of the island of Papua everything changed as they embarked on a diving tour of a lifetime. In the Raja Ampat islands, divers can explore vertical underwater walls. The thrill of drift diving is another great challenge. These are the awesome experiences you will find in Raja Ampat.
Meanwhile, on this tour several divers were well equipped and looked advanced. The territory within the islands of the Four Kings is enormous, covering 9.8 million acres of land and sea, home to 540 types of corals, more than 1,000 types of coral fish and 700 types of mollusks. This makes it the most diverse living library for world’s coral reef and underwater biota. According to a report developed by The Nature Conservancy and Conservation International, around 75% of the world’s species live here. When divers first arrive here their excitement is palpable. It’s common to hear people praise God as they take in the remarkable scenery. Others prefer to remain in silence taking in the overwhelming sight of so many islands with crystal clear water that softly brushes over the white sandy beaches.
“Disini bagus!”, says the friendly local guide who had been appointed by the tour operator who runs an eco-lodge in Raja Ampat, indicating that they have arrived at one of the most fantastic diving sites. On other days, this guide is just a simple fisherman. The local fishermen here are accustomed to foreigners and are friendly, especially when offered pinang (betel nuts) or some sweet candies. These are very popular and offering these sweets is considered polite and a good way to win an instant smile. The fishermen usually eat this snack during Para-para Pinang, or social chatting and exchanging funny stories while chewing Pinang. In many respects, like nature, culture, and history, these fishermen are closer to the Moluccas.
"No doubt about it, Raja Ampat is definitely the richest place for fish that I have ever been." -
-Dr G.R. Allen
"I was like a five-year-old, seeing a reef for the very first time. I was awestruck, held by the incredible power of this richest reef. We must, with all available resources, preserve the beauty of Raja Ampat. This may be the last frontier." --Michael Aw
"I love the people, I love the diving, it's super! I've never been for a second time to the same dive destination but now I'm thinking about going back for the third time! Should I say more?" --Peter van Dalen
(These testimonials are taken from www.iriandiving.com)
More facts about the Raja Ampat Conservation Area:*
This area is home to 1,511 species of reef fish in the Bird’s Head Seascape;
1,320 species of reef fish in Raja Ampat;
75% of all known coral species in the world;
10 times the number of hard coral species found in the entire Caribbean;
In the Birds Head Seascape there 600 species of hard coral recorded;
5 species of endangered sea turtles;
57 species of Mantis Shrimp;
13 species of Marine Mammals;
And 27 species of endemic reef fish found only in that area
Senin, 07 Mei 2012
Selasa, 01 Mei 2012
The Richest Marine Habitat in the World
The Raja Ampat, or “Four Kings,” archipelago encompasses more than 9.8 million acres of land and sea off the northwestern tip of Indonesia’s West Papua Province. Located in the Coral Triangle, the heart of the world’s coral reef biodiversity, the seas around Raja Ampat possibly hold the richest variety of species in the world.
The area’s massive coral colonies show that its reefs are resistant to threats like coral bleaching and disease —threats that now jeopardize the survival of corals around the world. In addition, Raja Ampat’s strong ocean currents sweep coral larvae across the Indian and Pacific Oceans to replenish other reef ecosystems. Raja Ampat’s coral diversity, resilience to threats, and ability to replenish reefs make it a global priority for marine protection.
Survey Confirms Highest Marine Biodiversity on Earth
In 2002, The Nature Conservancy and its partners conducted a scientific survey of the Raja Ampat Islands to collect information on its marine ecosystems, mangroves, and forests. The survey brought Raja Ampat’s total number of confirmed corals to 537 species— an incredible 75% of all known coral species. In addition, 899 fish species were recorded, raising the known total for Raja Ampat to an amazing 1,074. On land, the survey found lush forests, rare plants, limestone outcroppings, and nesting beachesfor thousands of sea turtles.
Though human impacts here are less severe than elsewhere in Indonesia, Raja Ampat’s natural resources are endangered by over fishing and destructive fishing, turtle poaching, and unsustainable logging. The Indonesian government recently established Raja Ampat as a separate administrative unit, which will give communities a greater say in managing the natural resources upon which their livelihoods depend. This structure also offers an important opportunity to include conservation in the spatial planning of the newly formed local government.
Ensuring Conservation through Partnerships
To address these issues, the Conservancy launched a new project to protect Raja Ampat, working in close partnership with the government and communities to: 1) contribute to a comprehensive conservation action plan to protect Raja Ampat’s reefs and forests; 2) help incorporate marine protected area management into long-term planning and policy; and, 3) establish a network of marine protected areas for Raja Ampat.
The Conservancy’s ultimate goal is to protect Raja Ampat’s magnificent reefs while sustaining the livelihoods of local people. Raja Ampat includes the four large islands of Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, and Misool, plus hundreds of smaller islands. The archipelago is part of an area known as the Bird’s Head functional seascape, which also contains Cenderawasih Bay, the largest marine national park in Indonesia.
The Conservancy’s ultimate goal is to protect Raja Ampat’s magnificent reefs while sustaining the livelihoods of local people. Raja Ampat includes the four large islands of Waigeo, Batanta, Salawati, and Misool, plus hundreds of smaller islands. The archipelago is part of an area known as the Bird’s Head functional seascape, which also contains Cenderawasih Bay, the largest marine national park in Indonesia.
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